Executive MBA in Healthcare Management launched

The Maastricht School of Management (MSM) and its long-term partner in China, the School of Business at the Nanjing University (NJU) has launched an Executive MBA program specializing in Healthcare Management. The program takes a holistic approach analyzing the development trends in healthcare sector and addressing key issues shaping the future landscape of healthcare business.

(Main photo: participants at the launching seminar of the MSM Executive MBA in Healthcare Management in  Nanjing, China)

The first cohort will start in November 2015 in Nanjing. The teaching team for this program consists of MSM and NJU faculties as well as top experts in healthcare sectors from Europe and Asia. During the program, participants will also conduct part of their studies in Singapore and in the Netherlands.

As part of the launching phase of the program, a seminar on Mobile Healthcare and Practice of Healthcare Resource Integration was organized on May 31st in Nanjing. Keynote speakers included Mr. Wang Junhai, co-founder of Pocket Pharmacy – the No. 1 APP in terms of online traffic in pharmacy business; and Dr. Tu Honggang the founder and CEO of MediCool. Healthcare reform, patient-centered care, the future of mobile healthcare in China was among the hot topics discussed.

(Photo: Professor Sarah Zhang, director of the Sino-Dutch International Business Center of Nanjing University at the seminar on Mobile Healthcare)

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Maastricht School of Management | Tapijnkazerne 11, 6211 ME Maastricht, The Netherlands | www.msm.nl | msm-infomail@maastrichtuniversity.nl