Executive MBA excitement at MSM

On Friday afternoon a group of potential Executive MBA candidates gathered in the Business Lounge of MSM, all eager to learn more about MSM’s Executive MBA program. They had different specialization interests, being either Sports Management,Healthcare Management or International Business and Sustainable Development.

The candidates were welcomed by MSM Dean, Prof. Wim Naudé who gave them more insight into MSM as an institute and why they should choose MSM to study their Executive MBA. Global Education Director Oliver Olson dived deeper into the format of the Executive MBA program. He explained more specifically the specialization phase of the program in which participants will be thoroughly immersed in the key elements of the specialization of their choice through topic related in-depth courses.

The candidates had also the opportunity to meet Ronald Waterreus, current Executive MBA student in Sports Management. He shared his reasoning behind his choice to start the MSM Executive MBA and his experiences so far. He emphasized that it was certainly not easy because of the high level of the program, but that he enjoys the interaction with his fellow students and the thorough knowledge he gets through the program.

Leo Smit – industrial innovation expert with over 25 years of experience in a variety of Executive MBA event_Leo Smitinnovation roles at DSM – delivered an interactive master class on how to find focused value
propositions for entrepreneurial business creation. He illustrated this by the DSM Dyneema case, through which he showed how DSM added value to the Dyneema fiber to make it a high performance product for the international sports and healthcare industry.

The network drink at the end of the event allowed the Executive MBA candidates to ask their questions to the MSM academic and administrative staff, and to network with each other.

Pictures of the event are available on the MSM Facebook page.

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Maastricht School of Management | Tapijnkazerne 11, 6211 ME Maastricht, The Netherlands | www.msm.nl | msm-infomail@maastrichtuniversity.nl