MSM custom made program for the Ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh

On 27 November 2017 MSM Professor Meine Pieter van Dijk gave a lecture on the topic of “Project Management and Implementation of Water Infrastructure Works in the Netherlands”. This lecture was given to 11 high level civil servants of the Ministry of Water Resources of Bangladesh in Amsterdam.

As a follow up and in the context of the World Bank financed Coastal Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP) the group from Bangladesh visited MSM on 6 December to explore future cooperation and opportunities in the field of custom programs for further development of the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB). The civil servants group was very positive about the MSM expertise and MSM’s unique customer oriented approach regarding custom made programs and additional services.

For more information and references of MSM custom made programs, visit the MSM Executive Education website.

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Maastricht School of Management | Tapijnkazerne 11, 6211 ME Maastricht, The Netherlands | |