
We are proud to announce that the high quality of MSM’s MBA programs is recognized again in the CEO magazine 2019 global MBA rankings. Next to the academic content, soft skills and personal development are an integral part of our programs to prepare you for your future career. In this newsletter, we highlight a few of these non-academic assets you gain in our programs. Read how the Career and Personal Development Track in our MBA and Master in Management programs helps you to stand out in the job market; learn how the Executive MBA contributes to mastering the art of multi-tasking and find out how the Online MBA helps you to develop important skills to “future-proof” your career. If you would like to join one of our programs, this summer we are offering the MBA Summer School and Research Summer School. Check out the new and upcoming program section in this newsletter to learn more about these and other courses coming up soon.

Happy reading!

Meinhard Gans, CEO a.i.

Katalin Kovacs, Dean a.i. 

Maastricht School of Management | Tapijnkazerne 11, 6211 ME Maastricht, The Netherlands | |