Directing and managing organisational strategy

“This programme is a great eye opener about the strategy making process in small and large enterprises, especially in the turbulent times we are all going through”. This is what Ms. Maya Rahal (Lebanon) said after successfully completing the Strategic Leadership programme which has run from 14 – 19 November 2022.

For Mr. Agron Demi (Kosovo) the Strategic Leadership programme helped him to see the strategic process in a completely new perspective: “This programme will help me and my organisation to have a better strategy to reach our mission, to adapt, and to be more agile and competitive in these times of rapid economic and technological change.”

The programme brought together professionals with various cultures and from many different backgrounds. In particular this part was very valuable to Ms. Suyzo Ngandu from Zambia: “I have enjoyed this experience of being able to engage with professionals from so many different parts of the world and to learn from their experiences in terms of strategic leadership. This programme offers us the opportunity to apply a lot of theories that we have learned over the years and bring them into a practical context”.

Also for Ms. Maya being part of such a diverse group has been a great experience. “The variety of peers taking the programme adds more to its value in terms of exchanging experiences from different cultures and geographies, also from personal experiences as people share their journey, their challenges and how they solved them.”

Mr. Motiar Rahman from Bangladesh has no regret in joining the programme: “It was a very good programme. It enhanced our knowledge and strategically it will help to achieve our goals.”

Ms. Rahal fully agrees: “It is an intense learning experience, well-structured and delivered in high professionalism by Mr. Leo Kerklaan. I will definitely go back home with new acquired knowledge and learnings to share with my colleagues at Berytech.”

Mr. Demi added: “What I really liked was that the programme was interactive, practice-oriented, and with examples from the real world. Furthermore, it offers tools and instruments that can help any organisation, be it in the private, public or NGO sector, to develop a practical strategy to full-fill its mission.”

About the executive Strategic Leadership programme
Both private and public organisations need to adapt to numerous outside world developments such as technological developments, economic development, the need for more social responsibility and increased international competition. Strategic management and leadership deals with processes aimed at setting the organisation’s direction, objectives and priorities in the changing landscape, at focusing on internal energy and resources to achieve the objectives and at aligning internal and external stakeholders. Strategic management and leadership is about analysis, decision making and planning. It is also about implementation of strategic plans to realise the desired performance.

Mr. Leo Kerklaan, Strategic Performance Management expert, designed this practice-oriented programme to inform (potential) leaders about the most relevant aspects of effective strategic leadership and he offers the tools and instruments that can help in developing and implementing effective strategies.

Would you like to join the Strategic Leadership programme?
The next executive Strategic Leadership programme will take place from 17 – 21 April 2023. Click here for more information about the programme and how to apply.

About MSM’s executive education programmes
Today’s rapidly changing societies and economies demand the most from organizations, leaders, managers and professionals. MSM’s Short Executive Programmes for emerging markets are developed to achieve a successful and sustainable transformation of both individuals and organisations to support local economic development and business management.

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