Kazakh Executive MBA group gets a taste of business in the Netherlands

The 15 participants from the Executive MBA program jointly offered with Almaty Management University (ALMU) visited MSM for their European Attachment from 13 July – 25 July 2015. Apart from following two courses, they visited Philips Customer Visit Center and the Gulpener Brewerey.

At Philips Customer Visit Center the participants enjoyed a presentation of Philips HealthTech demonstrating the developments in innovative solutions across the continuum of health – from healthy living, prevention, to diagnosis, treatment, recovery and home care. During the tour of the showroom the participants could experience the health innovations themselves.
Additionally the group received a presentation on Business Conduct and Ethics followed by a discussion on dilemmas experienced in the business environment.

During the 2-week visit the participants followed courses on Leadership, Change & Organization and on Corporate Responsibility & Ethics.

Complimentary to the Corporate Responsibility & Ethics module the group visited the Gulpener Brewery in the province of Limburg, famous for its socially responsible initiatives and recipient of the CSR encouragement award from the Ministry of Agricultural, Nature and Food quality. During the visit the participants got insight into the ecologically and environmentally friendly production process of the brewery.

Watch the video and learn why these students decided to do an MBA.

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Maastricht School of Management | Tapijnkazerne 11, 6211 ME Maastricht, The Netherlands | www.msm.nl | msm-infomail@maastrichtuniversity.nl