MSM and SingularityU The Netherlands sign MoU
The Maastricht School of Management and the SingularityU The Netherlands signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the SingularityU Summit 2017 that was held in Haarlem on 20 and 21 November 2017.
(Photo: Professor Wim Naudé (MSM) and Mr. Diederick Croese (SingularityU) after signing the MOU at the SingularityU Summit 2017)
In terms of the MoU, MSM and SingularityU The Netherlands will collaborate in a number of education programs, including but not limited to a Tech MBA, various MBA specializations in exponential technologies, and short courses and events. The broad purpose of the collaboration is to improve understanding of the potential of technological innovation to contribute to sustainable development. Managers and entrepreneurs are key role players in the innovation and the adoption and diffusion of technology through the economy and workplace.
Signing the MoU at the SingularityU Summit 2017 also signaled the support of the parties for management and entrepreneurship education and research that will further contribute to the aim of the Summit, which was to “bring the world’s leading speakers and experts on exponentially accelerating technologies together with inspirators who are changing and shaping the world in a positive way, providing us with the mindset, knowledge and tools we need in an exponentially changing world”.
For more on the Summit 2017, see
About MSMMaastricht School of Management (MSM) is an international business school with worldwide presence based in Maastricht, The Netherlands. MSM teaches and researches on how society can optimally deal with technology and innovation in the workplace, in order to create productive, competitive and successful organizations, lead by visionary managers and entrepreneurs, and contributing to sustainable development. Facilitating the transfer of technology to developing and emerging economies for sustainable development is an integral part of MSM’s mission.
About Singularity University The NetherlandsSingularity University The Netherlands is a benefit corporation committed to creating positive and sustainable global impact. SUNL creates programs to give people the tools and guidance to understand and apply cutting-edge technologies. SUNL aims to educate, empower and inspire businesses to apply technology to address humanity’s grand challenges. They focus on the developing impact of converging exponential technologies on society and businesses.
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