We hope that this newsletter will find you in good health in these difficult and uncertain times. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected all of our lives, but it is also challenging our ability to adapt and be resilient. In view of the challenging circumstances posed by the coronavirus crisis worldwide, MSM has adopted a flexible approach to help students during their admission procedure. Our latest video is specifically dedicated to answering all FAQs related to admissions.
MSM also launched a new Food Security Initiative which brings you the latest insights of the impact of COVID-19 on small-scale and commercial farmers, traders, processors, input suppliers, financial institutions, in the countries and rural areas where we operate. Through this initiative, MSM aims to support decision-makers on how to counterbalance the negative impacts of COVID-19 measures on food security.
At Maastricht School of Management, we did our utmost to rapidly switch our study programs to online teaching and assessment, to limit the disruption for our students. We were proud to see our full-time MBA students successfully complete their courses on Leadership and Organizational Behavior and on Change Management via distance learning. Likewise, our students in Master in Management aptly followed their courses in Digital Transformation and Human Resource Management in an interactive online setting.
This newsletter also features three inspiring alumni stories by Giselle De Man, Bruna Moura Bruno and Alka Khenchi, who are pursuing fulfilling careers in the Netherlands after graduation.
Meinhard Gans, CEO